
Web 3: A whole new Internet model


Web 3: A whole new Internet model

Web3, which is decentralized and interactive, is attempting to develop a new Internet architecture. The metaverse’s passion has not yet subsided, and Web 3.0 has been pushed to the forefront of people’s minds.


Web3.0, also known as Web3, is the next Internet era. In fact, as early as 2014, Gavinwood, the co-founder of Ethereum and the creator of Polkadot, proposed the concept of Web3, and it was not until the past two years that the concept and theory of Web3 were driven by the emergence of the cryptocurrency circle and the metaverse.


Web3’s mission is to create an Internet for the masses, for the masses. Currently, Web3 is becoming a paradigm that drives a shift in the Internet and capital investment direction. Driven by ever-evolving new technologies, the Web3 movement bears the brunt of the impact: how people, collectives, and the general public see and value the Internet.

A whole new Internet model

Like the advent of Web2, the introduction of Web3 is tied to individuals wishing to solve issues over the Internet. Web3 is a blockchain-based platform that promises to restore users’ privacy and digital identity while enabling new levels of connection through non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized apps (dApps).


The blockchain is a decentralized network with a high-security level. Anyone can store data, trade value, and record transaction activity in a shared ledger that a single company does not manage. The foundation of Web3 is the blockchain network. It offers a secure execution layer through which may form, issue, and exchange programmable smart contracts.


dApps are administered by no one or organization, in contrast to Web 2.0 apps and Web 1.0 static HTML pages. But a distributed blockchain network manages it. Although decentralized applications first appear easy, but have the potential to develop complex automated systems like peer-to-peer financial services (DeFi), data-driven insurance products, and P2E gaming.


Web3 can develop a new Internet architecture by combining decentralization and interaction. Users can communicate directly with one another in it, avoiding intermediaries. Users of dApps have access to financial instruments without their knowledge.


Users may exchange digital assets with verified ownership via NFTs, get parametric insurance claims, and even make money in-game. All of these actions may be performed directly, entirely omitting the intermediate.


Through this cutting-edge design, the developers of Web3 seek to produce a more equitable and open Internet where users may directly engage and trade.


From this point of view, Web3.0 provides a vision for breaking the monopolistic power. Web3 platforms and apps created on blockchain technology will not be controlled by corporations but by each user who contributes to the development and maintenance of these services.


Even though it is now hard to forecast the future, Web3’s ambition is to offer simple access and a variety of additional features based on open source protocols and a for-profit interface.


Web3 is a public internet that runs on open protocols and blockchain networks. New apps that offer a practical method to connect with the underlying technology may be how customers interact with these protocols.


Web3 is undoubtedly about reimagining current Internet services and goods for the general public, not only for powerful corporations. Data will still be used to inform choices but not to take advantage of customers. Data rights will be safeguarded, not merely for financial gain.


Market processes and incentives will ensure the information’s honesty and reliability. At the same time, the world of Web3 will prioritize individual sovereignty over the wealthy elites and rent-seekers of the outside world.

Gwendolyn Russell

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